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The Site implements the following “notification and takedown” procedure upon receipt of any notification of claimed copyright infringement.  The Site reserves the right at any time to disable access to, or remove any material or activity accessible on or from any Site or any materials claimed to be infringing or based on facts or circumstances from which infringing activity is apparent. It is the firm policy of the Site to terminate the account of repeat copyright infringers, when appropriate, and the Site will act expeditiously to remove access to all material that infringes on another’s copyright, according to the procedure set forth in 17 U.S.C. §512 of the DMCA. The Site’s DMCA Notice Procedures are set forth in the preceding paragraph. If the Notice does not comply with §512 of the DMCA but does comply with three requirements for identifying sites that are infringing according to §512 of the DMCA, the Site shall attempt to contact or take other reasonable steps to contact the complaining party to help that party comply with the notification requirements. When the Designated Agent receives a valid Notice, the Site will expeditiously remove and/or disable access to the infringing material and shall notify the affected user. Then, the affected user may submit a counter-notification to the Designated Agent containing a statement made under penalty of perjury that the user has a good faith belief that the material was removed because of misidentification of the material. After the Designated Agent receives the counter-notification, it will replace the material at issue within ten to fourteen (10-14) days after receipt of the counter-notification unless the Designated Agent receives notice that a court action has been filed by the complaining party seeking an injunction against the infringing activity. 


We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask you to do the same. In instances where we are notified of alleged infringing DOTFANS content or Submissions, a decision may be made to remove or disable access to such content or Submissions, in compliance with the safe harbor provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C, 512 (c) and as specifically applicable to users from the United States.

If you believe that you or someone else’s copyright has been infringed by content or Submissions provided on this Site, you (or the owner or rights holder, collectively, “Rights Holder”) should send notification to us immediately. Prior to sending us notice, the Rights Holder may wish to consult a lawyer to determine their rights and legal obligations under the DMCA and any other applicable laws. Nothing here or anywhere on this Site is intended as a substitute for qualified legal advice. To file a Notice of Infringing Material, we ask that the Rights Holder provide the following information:



If one of your contents is removed due to a rights owner complaint of copyright infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and you believe the content referenced in the complaint is not infringing, you may provide a written counter-notice to our Copyright Agent. The counter-notice must include the following information:

  1. Identify the material that was removed or disabled, and the location where it appeared before it was removed or disabled
  2. A statement by you declaring under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material at issue was either misidentified or mistakenly removed
  3. Your name, address and telephone number
  4. A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal district court for the judicial district in which your address is located, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided the complaint set forth above (if you are located outside of the United States, you must state that you consent to the jurisdiction of any United States federal district court in which we may be found)
  5. Your physical or electronic signature

Please be aware that false statements in your written counter-notice may lead to civil or criminal penalties.

Our Copyright Agent can be reached as follows:

Copyright Agent:
